Breast Strokes


Trade Paperback $13.95
ISBN: 0-9819153-9-6

Kindle: $5.95
ISBN 978-0-9819153-8-8







About the Book
This chronicle is an inspiring and moving exchange between two dear friends who, when cancer struck one, the other asked, “How can I help?” The surprising response was, “Write with me!” This journal of reflection and prose makes a great gift for anyone dealing with cancer treatments ─ whether their own or a loved one’s.


About the Authors

Cathy Edgett is a poet and a Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner. She used her encounter with cancer as an opportunity to practice her beliefs in this technique.

Jane Flint is in health advocacy and communications. She is a wife, mother, and lifelong writer.


 Praise for Breast Strokes

“Through poetry, journaling, and reflecting back, Cathy and Jane intimately share with us their discovery and exploration of the movement and stillness that reside as powerful resources within each of us.”
~ Karen Roeper, founder of Essential Motion

“You would think that every observation, every reflection, would have been written by now about breast cancer.
But this gift of a book, created by two bosom friends, shares both their fresh, accessible poetry,and the thoughtful entries of a meditative, hopeful, yet realistic blog. Read it to bolster your spirit.]Or give it to someone who understands.”
~Karin ß. Miller, The Cancer Poetry Project